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tAtB tCtD tEtF tGtH tItJ tKtL tMtN tOtP tQtR tStT tUtV tWtX tYtZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
PANGEA fabrics +triangle 24
PANIKKASSERY +triangle 14
PANTHEON +triangle 16
PANTHER BRAND +triangle cat 12
PANTHER brand +cat triangle 12
PARACETAMOL +triangle 5
triangle 3
PARAMOUNT steel +triangle 6
PARBAT +triangle 32
PARI +triangle & arcs 42
PARIVAR +family & triangle 19
PARKER TECHNIK +triangle 35
PARKHILLS +triangle 32
PARROT BRAND +bird triangle 30
triangle 11
PARTH EXIM +triangle circle 7
PARTY CREATOR +triangle 16, 28
PARVEEN +triangle & cogwhee 37
PAS POLYMER +triangle 17
PASO FINO +triangle 35, 36, 45
PASO FINO +triangle & squar 41
PASS +triangle 12
PATIDAR +triangle & circle 23
PATON +triangle 25
PATRIOT +triangle 9
PAVALAM +sun & triangle 5, 35
PAVLON +triangle 9
PAWAN +sun & triangle 19
PAYEN +triangle 17
PAYEN-TALBROS +triangle 17
PB PLAY BLACK +triangle 25
PBR +triangle 3, 5, 6, 8, 11, 29, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44
PC +triangle 25
PC PACK & CARRY +triangle 39
PC PUNJAB CEMENT +triangle 19
PCF +triangle 9
PCS +cross triangle & oval 36
PCS POWEREST +triangle & su 12
PD +bird & triangle 3
PDC +triangle 35
PDDP +triangle 29
PE +triangle & circle 37
PE C.E.M.E. +triangle 9
PE CAMPINI +triangle 9
PE HASHIMA +triangle 7
PE OLAB +triangle 9
PE SAMA +triangle 9
PE SEABOOM +triangle 9
PE SNYTER +triangle 7, 9, 11
PE SOING +triangle 9
PE supremo +triangle 9
PEACEFORT +triangle 6
PEAK +triangle 25, 28
PEAK SCIENTIFIC +triangle 7, 11, 37
PEARI +triangle 19
PEGASUS +horse & triangle 9
PELTC +bird & triangle 41
PEN +triangle 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34
PENALTY +triangle 25, 28
PENGUIN +penguin & triangle 6
PERFECT +triangle 20
PERITUS +triangle 35
PERMIDA +triangle 5
PET EXPRESS +triangle 42
PETPL +circle & triangle 41
PETRON CIVIL +triangle oval 37, 42
PF LEO ply +circle triangle 19
PFISTER +triangle 7
PFLEIDERER +triangle square 17
PFLEIDERER +square triangle 20
PFU +triangle 16
triangle 43
triangle 41
PHOENIX +triangle 6
PHOENIX +eye & triangle 10, 16, 25
PHOTON +triangle 10
PHOTOSTORYINDIA +triangle 9, 16, 35
PI +triangle 6
PI AMBICA +triangle 7
triangle 2, 4
PII PERFECT +triangle 9
PILOT +triangle & circle 9
PILOT PUMP +triangle & oval 7
PINEWOOD +triangle & square 41
PINNACLE +triangle 7
PINNACLE +triangle & circle 42
PINNACLE +triangle & square 16
PINNACLE +arrow & triangle 12
PINNACLE +oval & triangle 38
PIOMETAL PMC +triangle 7
PIZZA CORNER +triangle oval 29, 30
PIZZA NINE +triangle 30
PJ PANJEEVAN +triangle 34
PJ PANNA +triangle 9
PKS JEWELLERS +triangle sta 14
PLADIO +triangle 7
PLAKKAT GROUP +triangle 9
PLAY MODE +triangle 25
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